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Xindak Europe

Integrated amplifiers

The Best Sound for you

A 600 E

60 wat. –
Class A.

XA 6950

40 wat. – Class A .
Hybrid. DAC

XA 6800

80 wat. – Class AB –

A 06

80 wat. –
Class AB   –  DAC


Get your your best experience

MC 10

Step- up for MC cartridges

H 1

Headphone amplifier  –  DAC

XF 1000 ES

Power conditioner


Watching your best experience


A 600 E

XA 6950

XA 6950

XA 6800

XA 6800

A 06

A 06

MC 10

H 1

XF 1000 ES

What we do

A nice and complete line
to get the best sound

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intent, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” William A. Foster.



C/ Tobalina, 5
34800 – Aguilar de Campoo

+34 979 11 80 00
+34 979 12 60 07 

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